About The Program

Each day the camp will focus on a different stroke to introduce successful point play patterns. As the week progresses, lessons and patterns learned from the previous day will be incorporated and drilled. Much attention will be given to how points should be constructed to both maximize individual talents as well as the scoreboard result. Over the course of the five-day camp, all major areas of the game will be addressed and reinforced. Serving and return of serve practice will occur each day to emphasize the importance of these key elements longer term.
Philosophy/Personal Development
Each drill chosen patterns a strategy for the player. Time will be spent explaining the reason for these drills in order to clarify the objective being asked of them. Time will be spent on both the offensive and defensive styles of play and attention will be given to ensure the players understand the balance between the two during a match and when to use them. Additionally, addressing the mental and emotional sides of the game is of great importance. Tennis is an individual sport with many ups and downs. Finding the positives in losses will be celebrated.
Furthermore, communicating to young players about the road ahead will help them set achievable milestones for each age and development level. Tennis is a game for life and a realistic framework is imperative for maximum enjoyment and success.

Weekly Emphasis
- Stroke Analysis and Implementation
- Point Construction and Scoreboard Strategy
- Recognizing Offense and Defense
- Fitness and Footwork
- Monday - Forehand / Serve / Return of Serve
- Tuesday - Backhand / Serve / Return of Serve
- Wednesday - Attack Shots / Serve / Return of Serve
- Thursday - Volleys / Passing Shots / Serve / Return of Serve
- Friday - Davis Cup Tie Breakers / Doubles